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It’s so ameditation and dreamwork bookmazing when you “accidentally” find a book that you weren’t looking for. And, just like magic, it turns out to be the one you really needed.  I am already learning so much from this “Meditation and Dreamwork” book that seemed to just jump out at me from the shelf in the laundry room of our apartment complex.  Oh, sometimes, doing laundry can lead you to extraordinary findings.  Where you might lose a sock, you may also gain a treasure – of learning and exploration.  I have just begun this book but it has already taught me more about myself while helping me to appreciate further the world around me. I love how old books can still speak to you, louder and clearer than some lessons or classes that you can be seated in in the here and now.

If you’re interested in dreams and meditation and in adding depth and more awareness to your life in general, I highly recommend this book.  It’s also a great way for someone who has been curious or interested in meditation, but a little overwhelmed by where to start, to learn some very simple but life changing steps towards making meditation a part of your world.  It takes the daunting, far-from-my-regular day stereotypes of meditation and dreams, and brings them together to show you how the these seemingly separate worlds are not separate from your daily life at all.  In fact, they truly enhance each other if you know how to tap into this connection.  This book teaches you how to do just that.

I think stumbling upon this book was no accident at all, but just another bit of proof that our energies and inner guides really lead us to answers all the time.  And we just need to learn to be more open to listening to the signs.   Dreams are an amazing part of our lives, not just because they mesmerize us in our sleeping worlds, but because they enrich our waking world when we know how to make use of them.


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